



Progress, 站, and grades

Progress, 站, and grades

Progress & 站

All students are expected to make consistent progress 趋向于某种程度. Full‑time students must complete graduation requirements within five calendar years. Satisfactory progress is determined by two factors: the number of units completed each year and the grade-point average (平均绩点).

Transfer students and other students in certain circumstances will be allowed some additional time for completing degree requirements.

Class  (二年级、三年级等.) is determined by the number of units completed, not by the number of years in college. 例如, a student would be considered a sophomore if he or she has completed at least seven but fewer than fifteen regular term units.

Detailed information on classification of students and academic progress can be found in the 目录 under Academic Policy and Information.

Information about your individual class 站, 平均绩点, and academic progress can be obtained from your advisor or the 记录办公室.

You will also find a useful link to a 平均绩点计算器 在记录页.

If you believe an error has been made in the calculation or recording of a final course grade, 去找你的教授. For additional information, see the 成绩上诉政策 below.

When a student fails to earn above a 1.000 grade point average for fall or spring term, or fails to meet the required yearly cumulative grade point average, or when the student is otherwise not making satisfactory progress, the Provost may place the student on academic probation.

Placement on academic probation alerts the student of the need to seek help from the 学术资源中心and to improve study habits. It also alerts the academic advisor to the student's situation. Students on probation are restricted from holding any student office, participating in intercollegiate athletics, or otherwise publicly representing the College. Such restrictions are intended to allow students to focus on improving their academic performance.

If you are placed on academic probation, you should speak with your advisor immediately to develop a plan for improving your work. If your situation doesn't improve, you risk suspension from the College. Specific questions can be directed to Assistant Provost Martha Ann Stevenson, (电子邮件保护).



    Birmingham-南部 College supports the academic freedom of faculty members in assigning students a final grade. If a student believes an error has been made in the calculation or recording of a final grade, the student should immediately alert the professor. Beyond such errors, formal appeals of final grades are granted only when there is 清晰、有说服力 evidence that the final grade was “arbitrary and capricious, 非理性的,” or “made in bad faith” [Susan M. V. New York Law School, 556 N.E. 2nd 1104, 1107 (1990), 76 N.Y. 2月241日,北纬557日.Y.S. 2nd 297]. Students should understand that an allegation that a final grade was arbitrary and capricious, 非理性的 or made in bad faith is a 严重的 charge and should not be made unadvisedly.

    If a student wishes to appeal a final grade, the student must contact the professor no later than 30 calendar days after the beginning of the next regular term. If this consultation fails to resolve the issue, the student may contact the appropriate department chair, who will then contact the professor concerned. If the complaint remains unsettled, the student may contact the appropriate area chair next.  If the matter is still unresolved, the student may file a written appeal with the Provost on a form provided by the Provost’s Office.

    After reviewing the appeal, the Provost may deny the appeal or may request that the 教师 Advisory Committee select a three-person committee from the full-time faculty of the College. Two members of this committee must come from the department involved, and the third will come from outside the department. The committee will determine its own procedures and review the case with the following stipulation: the burden of proof for demonstrating a breach of standards rests with the student, and the student must provide documentation of attempts to resolve the issue through previous consultations.

    When the review is complete, the committee will notify the Provost of its decision. The Provost will have the final decision in determining whether a change of grade is necessary. The Provost will inform the student in writing of the decision and send copies of this same letter to the committee, 教职员工, the appropriate department chair, and the appropriate area chair. The entire grade appeal process is normally finalized by the end of the next regular term after the term of the grade under appeal.


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